08年最垃圾游戏有望, 如下都是美国资深玩家对 网龙 的 “魔域”的评价,我感觉是虽然评价不好,但至少有人在玩了,这是个好消息。 希望大家自己翻译(英文de)Post Date: 10:29 26-11-2008Author: Pirate_omegaComment: Even with the new trash they added, the game is unbalanced and the makers are lazy as all get out。
there is no true story line and its only for those who love to PK as its nothing more then that。
people should go for Grand Chase and LGP for a better gaming system。
Post Date: 11:15 20-11-2008Comment: this game sucks。 the graphics are what ever thats not what games are about but the HUD and the leveling everything i cant figure out。
the staff just drops you into the game and says good luck 。
Post Date: 21:33 23-11-2008Author: Pirate_OmegaComment: site information: 2it does not say it is mainly a PvP game which is it。
Over all Game play: 1Very few missions to playI have seen better and most skills seem a rehash of other games。
the game has no true balance when it comes to PvP。 it is not a game for those who look for non-PvP game play。
to many jerks who just wanna kill ya for no reason。
Total score: it is a zero。
the game is not female friendly nor is it new player friendly as the PvP。 is to tuff for most players。
good ways to fix it:either have non-PVP severs like Granado espada has or make it where those under peace are untouch able。
after all the PvP thing is the reason I left the game。
Post Date: 23:40 26-11-2008Author: werecat_lunanekoComment: As much as I would like to play the game。
It has too many things against it。
PvP, sucks。 It wouldn\‘t take much to make non-PvP servers。 Sword of the new world has non-PvP servers。
People kill you because they feel like it, bored or they just want to be jerks。 One town where your new armor and weapons are at, you can\’t get your new stuff because your killed over and over again。 There is no way to level up besides leaving your computer on all day and let your person train in the training area, if it doesn\‘t kick you off that is。
Your also killed if say a male/female wants you to go have offline fun with them and you refuse because your really are married in real life but they want to be man/whores about it。
You also have to deal with the Broadcast thing that you have no control over seeing, people fighting。 Or some guy telling a girl to get back down on her knees because she isn\’t down sucking yet or looking for threesomes。
(Same guy) and nothing is done about it。 There is no report function on this place。 People shouldn\‘t have to put up with degrading crap like that。
Their staff for their boards are nothing butt sexist asses that don\’t care about what you say and they allow members to comment that they tell girls to suck them daily。
They do not care at all。
They also allow groups to have names like KKK and do nothing about it。
They want money, they don\'t care about their players。